During Your Appointment

What To Expect

The First Appointment

The experience of homeopathy and what to expect during your consultation are all very issues.  Most of all, I will listen to you!  It’s your opportunity to tell me all about your problem. During the homeopathy first appointment small details are often important such as what your likes and dislikes are, how you responded to the weather, how you sleep, how you feel about yourself and those around you and much more.  All the information helps to form a picture of you as a whole person so that the best remedy can be found to suit you individually. 

Homeopathy Consultation

Staying Well With Homeopathy

Do you service your car?  Do you see your dentist regularly?  Seeing a homeopath every four to six months is a way of helping you make the best of your health and wellbeing.  

Homeopathy can also be used to help boost your immune system and keep you well.  This is known as homoprophylaxis and is used in some countries because it is a cost effective way of helping a population from becoming sick.  

An Overview

What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy works to restore balance through the use of very dilute substances.  It has been used for over two hundred years and is the second largest medical system in the world. 

Vanessa Churchill Homeopathy

I discovered the power of homeopathy when my children were small and it has always remained a core of my own health management because it works with the body, not against it.  

Appointments are either in person at Plum Cottage near Salisbury or online, according to your preference (Government guidelines permitting.)